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Kidney Disorder treatment

The most common causes of Kidney disorder are: Diabetes, Hypertention, Glumerulonephritis, Polycystic kidney disease,High Cholesterol, Use of analgeics like acetamenophen and ibuprofen for long duaration, clogging and hardening of artey ( atherosclerosis), Obstruction of urine flow by stones, Enlarged prostate, Stricture, cancer , Sickle cell disease, HIV infection, Herion abuse etc.
Traditional Treatment
Medication cannot reverse the kidney disorder but it helps to treat the symptoms and complication to prevent further damage and slow the progress of the disorder. 1. Antihypertensive medication to keep blood pressure at safe range below 130/80.eg, ACE Inhibitors, diuretics,vasodilators, angiotensin II receptor blocker,beta blocker, calcium channel blocker,direct renin inhibitor. 2. medication to View more...
Alternative Treatment
Calcium and vitamin D suplements, iron supplements, a low protein diet inorder to minimize waste product in the body, Phosphorus-lowering medications(calcium carbonate, calcitirol),Minimize use of salt, milk, cheese, nuts, and cola drinks.
Treatment Comparison
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BrandsEffectivenessHolistic BenefitsSide
Number of Ratings
10 6 0 1 Get Info
9 5.4 0 1 Get Info
8 6.88 2.45 1 Get Info
2 1.2 0 1 Get Info
0 0 7.05 1 Get Info
0 0 0 0 Get Info
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Kidney Disorder Treatments
(Shown in order of most frequently rated)
46 Drugs
37 Supplements
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