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Migraine treatment

Migraines are characterized by throbbing pains and intense pulsations occurring within a specified area in the person's brain. There are several different types of migraines, but the primary symptom for all types involves head pain that can last from hours to days.
This neurological disorder predominantly occurs three times more in women than in men. Therefore, a major cause could be due to hormone imbalances that women experience during their menstrual cycle. Other potential causes include lack of food or sleep, food allergies, stress, bright lights, sun, loud noises, physical exertion, changes in weather or barometric pressure, and certain medications.
Avoid individual triggers such as foods you may eat; get regular sleep and control stress; reduce the effects of estrogen; exercise regularly. Beta-blockers, anti-seizure medications and anti-histamines can also be used as preventative medication.
Common Symptoms
Sharp pain in one area of the head (headache), sensitivity to light and sound, nausea, and vomiting.
Rare Symptoms
Visual disturbances (aka auras) such as flashing lights, zig zag lines or temporary loss of vision; tingling in limbs can be a rare occurrence; and thirst, drowsiness, irritability, and/or depression are very rare symptoms.
Traditional Treatment
Analgesics such as NSAIDS, ibuprofen, acetaminophen; caffeine; SSRIs and TCAs; Triptans are used most commonly because of their effect on the serotonergic system.
Alternative Treatment
Hormone Therapy (if related to women's menstrual cycle); Stress management strategies such as exercise, relaxation, biofeedback, massage or acupuncture; herbal supplements such as feverfew, butterbur, riboflavin, and CoEnzyme Q10 supplements.
Treatment Comparison
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BrandsEffectivenessHolistic BenefitsSide
Number of Ratings
9.14 7.78 2.09 22 Get Info
8.29 6.31 1.83 14 Get Info
7.64 5.92 3.1 25 Get Info
6.88 5.47 5.12 25 Get Info
6.5 4.75 2.81 10 Get Info
0 0 0 0 Get Info
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Research and Development
Drug therapy, magnetic stimulation.
Migraine Treatments
(Shown in order of most frequently rated)
299 Drugs
20 Supplements
Divalproex Sodium
ASA/Extra Strength Antacid
Bufferin Extra Strength
RA Arthritis Pain Relief
Sav-on Aspirin
Aspirin Buffered
Bayer Aspirin Caplets
Topamax Sprinkle
Ascriptin Enteric Regular Strength
Bayer Aspirin Extra Strength Caplets
Bayer Aspirin Extra Strength Tablets
Bayer Aspirin Tablets
Ecotrin Adult Low Strength
Ecotrin Maximum Strength
Alka-Seltzer Effervescent Pain Reliever and Antacid
Alka-Seltzer Extra Strength Effervescent Pain Reliever and Antacid
Alka-Seltzer Flavored Effervescent Pain Reliever and Antacid
Goody's Body Pain Powders
Adprin B Tri-Buffered Caplets
Ascriptin Arthritis Pain Caplets
Ascriptin Enteric Adult Low Strength
Ascriptin Maximum Extra Strength Caplets
Ascriptin Regular Strength
Bayer Aspirin with Calcium Regimen Caplets
Bayer Aspirin Arthritis Pain Regimen Extra Strength Caplets
Famous People with Parkinson's Disease

Muhammad Ali

Known as 'The Greatest,' Ali had one of the most successful and noteworthy careers in boxing. He was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease three years after retirement.

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