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Herpes treatment

Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted illness, caused by the herpes simplex viruses type 1 (HSV-1) or type 2 (HSV-2), and results in periodic breakouts of blisters around the genital area. The virus can stay in the body indefinitely, but can be managed through modern treatments.

Oral herpes infects the face and mouth, and the blisters that form are often called cold sores. Both types of herpes View more...
Herpes is caused by the herpes simplex virus, of which there are two types (type 1 and type 2). It is spread through skin to skin contact. Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted illness, which can be passed between partners during sex.
The risk of contracting herpes can be decreased by using condoms and dental dams during sex, or avoiding sexual contact with an individual with herpes. Many women who have herpes also opt for cesarean sections so they don't pass herpes on to their children.
Common Symptoms
Symptoms typically include blisters on the genital area or hands, or cold sores around the mouth. The blisters are also accompanied by pain and fever.
Rare Symptoms
Herpes can infect the eyes or central nervous system, and may cause bipolar disorder and Alzheimer's disease.
Traditional Treatment
While there is no way to completely eradicate the herpes virus from the body at this time, there are several treatment options to minimize the effects of the virus. Analgesics are used to decrease the experience of pain and fever, and antiviral medications and topical creams are used to treat a herpes outbreak.
Alternative Treatment
Dietary supplements have also been used to treat the herpes virus, including echinacea, zinc, L-lysine, eleuthero, aloe vera, and bee pollen.
Treatment Comparison
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BrandsEffectivenessHolistic BenefitsSide
Number of Ratings
9.4 7.28 0.16 15 Get Info
8.45 6.06 1.06 11 Get Info
7.33 6.84 1.9 6 Get Info
4.88 5.61 2.59 8 Get Info
0.6 3.02 5.69 5 Get Info
0 0 0 0 Get Info
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Herpes Treatments
(Shown in order of most frequently rated)
21 Drugs
16 Supplements
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