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Lung Cancer treatment

It is uncontrolled cell growth that begins in the lungs. It begins in the cells that line the tubes in the lungs, which are called bronchi. Lung cancer can either be non- small cell lung cancer, which which is the most common type, or small cell lung cancer.
Cigarette smokng is the leading cause of lung cancer. Secondhand smoke can increase the risk of lung cancer in nonsmokers. Other causes are: Radon gas, Radiation therapy to the lungs, asbestos, high levels or air pollution or arsenic.
Do not smoke; stop smoking; avoid secondhand smoke.
Common Symptoms
Chest pain, Coughing up blood, Continous coughing (may be bronchitis), fatigue, shortness of breath, wheezing, loss of appetite, and non-voluntary weight loss
Rare Symptoms
Facial paralysis, nail problems. Eyelid drooping, swelling of face or arms, joint or bone pain, swallowing difficulty
Traditional Treatment
Surgery- Lobectomy (removing on of the lobes of the lung), wedge or segment removal (small part of lung), or pneumonectomy (entire lung); Chemotherapy
Alternative Treatment
Meditation, Yoga, Acupuncture, Massage, Hypnosis
Treatment Comparison
Research and Development
Surgical resectioning, chemotherapy, radiation surgery, Laser therapy (small beam of light to burn and kill cancer cells) or photodynamic therapy (light to activate drug in body)
Lung Cancer Treatments
(Shown in order of most frequently rated)
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Famous People with Rheumatoid Arthritis

Kathleen Turner

Kathleen Turner was told that she might never be able to walk again when she was told she had rheumatoid arthritis.


Lucille Ball

Was Lucille Ball cured forever of rheumatoid arthritis by "horse serum?"


James Coburn

American film actor suffered from rheumatoid arthritis and found relief from alternative therapies.


Dave Prowse

Known for his role as Darth Vader in the Star Wars films, Prowse was diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis when he was thirteen years old.

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