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Famous People with Eating Disorders
SmallMary Kate Olsen.jpg

Mary Kate Olsen

Mary Kate Olsen has struggled with depression, ADD and the eating disorder anorexia nervosa.


Elton John

Elton John has had several health conditions over the years, including drug addictions, eating disorders, and recently swine flu.


Brittany Murphy

Thirty-two year old actress dies from cardiac arrest. She had type 2 diabetes and a thyroid condition, and it has been rumored that she also had a drug problem.


Lynn Redgrave

Lynn Redgrave earned an OBE for her many services to drama, but she battled with bulimia and then breast cancer, too.

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over 8000 prescription drugs and alternative treatments
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Recent RateADrug.com User Comments
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I take Tylenol for relief of pain
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I have experienced severe anxiety and depression, coupled with incessant coughing and difficulty breathing. The joint pain has been unbearable. I would wake up at night feeling as though I was being tortured, in too much pain to even turn over. I now take the 25mg dosage on alternate days and that has reduced the side effects to just tolerable. I would still say that I have a greatly diminished quality of life but having had a recurrence after 6 years in remission I am going to try to sol... View full comment
User Ratings:
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From feeling well and only being told I wasn't after a colonoscopy, I now feel bloated most of the time, have shortness of breath and pain under my ribcage.
User Ratings:
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after starting Azor I have experienced mussel and joint pain my eyes get dry and the bottom of my feet get real sore and its painful to walk. in winter I cough a lot at bed time I am clearing my throat all the time and the back of my toung gets sore.
Seroquel XR
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Am on with depakote for biploar hypo mania. Was on Geodon and too sedating, Thoughts of death. Tremors really bad treated with cogentin. then got blurred vision and urinary retention. Seroquel was excellent. Increased weight though. Not as seating as Geodon. Went to XR this past week less sedating less carb cravings. Still on both drugs and feel wonderful!
Typhonium Plus
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Hi, My name is Ati, in 2008 i had abnormal symptom almost everyday i had light vaginal bleeding, i went to doctor and diagnosed with cervical cancer stage II, the doctor suggest me to do radiotherapy. Honestly, i was shocked and not ready to do radiotherapy. Therefore i tried to find alternative treatment, then i found Typhonium Plus at internet. In August 2009, I took Typhonium Plus (dosage: 2 x 2 capsules daily) and undergo a healthy diet. After consuming 7 boxes, there was a heavy bleedin... View full comment
Cartia XT
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I have noticed increased abdominal discomfort and loss of appitite. At times I have experienced body aches similar to Flu onset
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