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Elvis Presley is one of 20th century pop culture's most important figures. He suffered from drug addiction and insomnia.

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ritaline made me sad and not sosial. unwell
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I wish this drug was available in the US. It is a very popular drug in the rest of the world. I know it was a taken off the shelves in a few countries for some kidney problems that might have been caused in young children and others by it, so I am sure it will never make it here, but it is an effective pain killer if taken moderately, maybe not every day. The sachets of powder are way more effective for the migraines than the pill form, in fact, the pills don't work, only the powder form do... View full comment
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You have to start easy with Zyflamend. One a day for a few days. There is nothing in this supplement to warrant stomach pain unless people are misusing. More is not better in this case. This is a very good supplement. Maybe people need to check other supplements for "duplication".
Ortho Tri-Cyclen
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i have been on ortho tri cyclen for about a year and a half now...i was put on it because of its low hormones. other pills were making me feel sick because of the amount of hormones in them. ever since ive been on ortho tri cyclen, i develop yeast infections every 2-3 months. i am in and out of the gynocologist atleast 5 times a year for yeast infections. they are also hard to treat...OTC creams and diflucan prescriptions wont fully clear them. ortho tri cyclen is also ruining my sex life! i... View full comment
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I was diagnosed with IBS many years ago and which has been severe. I was prescribed with Solpodol approx three years ago and intially found these helped enormously. Unfortunately, I am now 'hooked' on Solpodol taking 8 tablets a day, every day and the IBS has come back with avengance. I have also contacted a severe and nasty rash in the vulva area about a year ago and have had to have a biopsy which I am waiting the result - wonder if this a direct cause of the tablets?
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2 hand-fulls of cashews a day are equivalent to the average dose of prozac. For severe depression &/or alcoholism 1000 - 3000+ mg Naicin as well as at least 1000 mg of vitamin C will give you just as good results or better as an anti-depressant with no side effects and doses can been increased with no overdosing.
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I've noticed a lot of leg cramps, but I don't know if it's related. My sleep can be more erratic, but it never was perfect. My breathing is much better and being active is much easier. I was active before but it made me out of breath a lot. Overall it's a good thing but does seem to lower sex druve ime.
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